Senin, 14 Agustus 2023

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IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925.Volume 5, Issue 6. Ver. II (Nov.-Dec. 2014), PP 06-15 6 | Page Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices with the Help of RSI Esha Jain Affiliation: G. D. Goenka University, Sohna, Gurgaon Abstract:The law of supply and demand is not an actual law but it is well confirmed and understood realization that if you have a lot of one item, the price for that item should go down. At the same time you need to understand the interaction; even if you have a high supply, if the demand is also high, the price could also be high. In the world of stock investing, the law of supply and demand can contribute to explaining a stock’s price at any given time. It is the base to any economic understanding. In this research paper, the impact of law of supply and demand is taken into consideration with special reference to stock market. For this purpose, 30 companies of Bombay Stock Exchange are taken into consideration whom stocks are most active on the last Friday of the month, September 2014 and to calculate the market equilibrium trend for those companies, one of the most reliable technical indicator is taken into consideration which is commonly known as RSI (Relative strength Index). Keywords:Equilibrium, demand, stocks, supply, relative strength index. I. Demand & Supply: How It Affects Stock Supply and demand is perhaps one of the most fundamental concepts of economics and it is the backbone of a market economy. Demand refers to how much (quantity) of a product or service is desired by buyers. The quantity demanded is the amount of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price; the relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand relationship. Supply represents how much the market can offer. The quantity supplied refers to the amount of a certain good producers are willing to supply when receiving a certain price. The correlation between price and how much of a good or service is supplied to the market is known as the supply relationship. Price, therefore, is a reflection of supply and demand. The law of supply and demand explains how prices are set for the sale of goods. The process starts with consumers demanding goods. When demand is high, producers can charge high prices for goods. The promise of earning large profits from high prices inspires producers to manufacture goods to meet the demand. However, the law of demand states that if prices are too high, only a few consumers will purchase the goods and demand will go unmet. To fully meet demand, producers must charge a price that will result in the required amount of sales while still generating profits for themselves. The law of supply and demand explains why people behave in certain ways within a market economy, and can even be used to predict behavior and, thereby, economic outcomes. Keeping in view the stock market, this law laid emphasis on the pattern of stocks when the number of buyers and sellers are almost equal in the market. In this study, main focus is on the results derived by one of the most reliable technical indicator, i.e. Relative Strength Index. The stocks which are slightly more or less than the equilibrium point, i.e. 50, which simply means that there is an unequal distribution between buyers and sellers of stocks which leads to overbought and oversold zones. II. Literaturereview Miller (2002) explains that for using the new field of experimental economics, he examines the `interplay between markets and human behavior. He provides insight into why financial markets behave the way they do and where they might be headed in the future, including the creation of so-called "smart markets" that are experimentally designed to overcome the flaws and supposed irrationality of existing markets. Schultz (2001) provide evidence that there is an inter-industry cost to labor strike activity for both supply and demand interactions was found. In his study, there is an analysis of the economic costs of labor strikes across industries. The basis for this study is derived from a wealth of literature covering theories of strikes, the analysis of the costs of strikes and the measurement of strike costs using event study methodologies. In this study, three basic questions will be investigated: (1) Does Labor strike activity in other industries have a negative financial effect on firms in a particular industry, (2) are the effects from labor strike activity long-term, and (3) can firms anticipate the impending high strike activity. This study addresses these questions to determine whether there are any measurable effects of labor strikes across industries. Event study methodology is incorporated as the tool to measure these costs. In addition to the impacts of strikes in direct supply or demand Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices …. 7 | Page industries, labor strikes anywhere along the demand/supply pipeline could have an effect. These inter-industry effects, for both the supply and demand relationship, are long-term. Also, firms incurring strike activity in their demander industries appear to be able to anticipate the effect months prior to the actual strike activity event, but they do not appear to be able to predict strike activity in supplier industries. Noted technical analyst John Person (2013) outlines a comprehensive method to pinpointing today's best trading opportunities. The economy and stock market are heavily influenced by seasonal factors. For example, a strong holiday buying season tends to be bullish for retail stocks or rising energy costs hurt airline profitability. According to Person, awareness of seasonal trends in both the economy and stock market can put the investor in a better position to profit from sectors and stocks that are likely to outperform the overall market. And technical tools can then be used to confirm emerging trends and time entries into these stocks and sectors. Cardwell (2000) had suggested that traders often use a technical indicator without fully understanding how it works or the subtle movements that indicate market direction. This work explains the many subtleties of RSI and how it can be used for trend analysis, trend change and price target projections. III. Research Methodology If we are talking about research methodology, it simply means the methods or techniques used for achieving the research objective. Here, the main objective of the research is to analyze the impact of two most important laws of the economy, i.e. law of demand and law of supply on the working of stock market. The details of research methodology is given as under: - Research design:Correlational or Prospective Research Design - It attempts to explore relationships to make predictions. Sample size: 30 most active stocks Target market: Bombay Stock Exchange Sampling design:Probability sampling based on demand and supply condition in the market. Data collection: Secondary sources Tools used: RSI Technical Indicator IV. Data Analysis And Interpretation The data for most active stocks of BSE was taken for the tenure of 6 months in which RSI tool has been used to find out the market situation of the stock in respect to its market demand and supply. This data has been taken for 30 companies which were most active in trading on the last Friday of September 2014 or you can say those companies which have consistent demand and supply in the market at a given point of time.The relative strength index (RSI) is a technical indicator used in the analysis of financial markets. It is intended to chart the current and historical strength or weakness of a stock or market based on the closing prices of a recent trading period.It is a technical momentum indicator that compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses in an attempt to determine overbought and oversold conditions of an asset. It is calculated using the following formula: 𝑅𝑆𝐼 = 100 − 100 1 + 𝑅𝑆 *Where RS = Average gain of x days / Average loss of x days. The RSI ranges from 0 to 100. An asset is deemed to be overbought once the RSI approaches the 70 level, meaning that it may be getting overvalued and is a good candidate for a pullback. Likewise, if the RSI approaches 30, it is an indication that the asset may be getting oversold and therefore likely to become undervalued. It was discovered by the findings of calculation that if the final figure which stated RSI (Relative Strength Index) was less than 30, then it will represent the bullish condition of stock. On the other hand if RSI indicates calculated figure more than 70, then in that case the stock is bearish. With respect to market demand and supply, the study of 30 most active BSE stocks showed that majority stocks range in between 50.00 to 60.00 RSI range. It is clearly shown in the given trend graph. Only a few stocks crossed 60.00 and went below 50.00 RSI range which is a clear indicator that the demand and supply of the majority stocks are near equilibrium point in exception to a few stocks.The calculation of the Relative Strength Index of the 30 most active BSE stocks was mainly ranging from 47.62 of ITC Limited as the lowest, till highest of CIPLA at 67.00 and hence therefore the market condition of the stocks ranges of in 20 points from 47.62 as the most bullish and 67.00 as the most bearish stock of RSI range. While the most of the stocks were ranging in the mid of 50.00 to 60.00 RSI range, which stated a neutral trade condition of the stocks. Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices …. 8 | Page The Detailed Company Wise Analysis Is Given Here Under: - Table 1: Company wise RSI Analysis S. No. Company Name RS RSI Equilibrium Result/ Decision 1 SBI 1.28 56.14 +6.14 Hold 2 Sun Pharma 1.61 61.69 +11.69 Sell 3 Reliance 0.99 49.75 -0.25 Hold 4 ICICI Bank 1.27 55.95 +5.95 Hold 5 Larsen 1.15 53.64 +3.64 Hold 6 Tata Steel 1.16 53.70 +3.70 Hold 7 Infosys 1.18 54.13 +4.13 Hold 8 Axis Bank 1.40 58.34 +8.34 Sell 9 HDFC Bank 1.34 57.27 +7.27 Sell 10 Tata Motors 1.30 56.52 +6.52 Sell 11 Bharti Airtel 1.45 59.18 +9.18 Sell 12 Cipla 2.03 67.00 +17.00 Sell 13 ONGC 1.22 54.96 +4.96 Hold 14 Hindalco 1.10 52.38 +2.38 Hold 15 ITC 1.10 47.62 -7.62 Hold/Buy 16 HDFC 1.22 54.96 +4.96 Hold 17 Coal India 1.18 54.13 +4.13 Hold 18 Maruti Suzuki 1.96 66.22 +16.22 Sell 19 Hero Motocorp 1.37 57.81 +7.81 Sell 20 M&M 1.52 60.32 +10.32 Sell 21 TCS 1.40 58.33 +8.33 Sell 22 BHEL 1.04 50.98 +0.98 Hold 23 SesaSterlite 1.39 58.16 +8.16 Sell 24 Bajaj Auto 1.24 55.36 +5.36 Hold 25 DrReddys Labs 1.43 58.85 +8.85 Sell 26 Wipro 1.06 51.46 +1.46 Hold 27 NTPC 1.15 53.49 +3.49 Hold 28 HUL 1.50 60.00 +10.00 Sell 29 Tata Power 1.00 50.00 0* Hold 30 GAIL 1.19 54.34 +4.34 Hold *Tata Power shows exact equilibrium point. Here is the trend showing RSI for various companies chosen: - Figure 1: Trend showing RSI for selected companies V. Conclusion The conclusion of the study is that when RSI is calculated of the actively traded stocks, the results figures of RSI will always display majority of stocks ranging from 50.00 to 60.00 somewhere in the mid of the range, which depicts a market equilibrium situation and therefore the demand and supply is almost equal for the actively trading stocks. Majority of the stocks show ‘hold’indication that means the demand and supply for those stocks are nearer to equilibrium point, which states neither buy nor sell condition. Only a few stocks were showing a bullish, i.e. demand or buyers are more than sellers or bearish figure, i.e. supply is more than demand and were demanding immediate sell or buy, which states that these stocks are responsible for stopping the Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices …. 9 | Page market to be stagnant. Moreover the study proved the importance and reliability of RSI tool and its implementation. References [1]. Cardwell, A., & Hayden, J. (2000). The relative strength index advantage: Combining RSI and other analysis techniques into a winning methodology. Chicago, Ill: Irwin. [2]. Evans Gary (2012). Financial Economics, Chapter 3, a Supply and Demand Model for Stocks.From [3]. [4]. [5]. Miller, R. M. (2001). Paving Wall Street: Experimental economics and the quest for the perfect market. New York: Wiley. [6]. Person, J. L. (2013). Mastering the stock market: High probability market timing & stock selection tools. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. [7]. Schultz, J. D. (2001). Inter-industry effects of labor strikes: Using stock market data to measure costs across industries. [8]. ANNEXURE Table 2: Closing Prices of Companies (1-10) Date SBI Sun Pharma Industries Reliance Industries ICICI Bank Larsen & Toubro Tata Steel Infosys Axis Bank HDFC Bank Tata Motors 01/04/2014 1894.6 573.35 941.15 1223.8 1276.35 401.3 3310.6 293.8 738.1 403 02/04/2014 1933.5 575.4 956.95 1242.6 1299.95 403.5 3320.2 293.2 730.6 413.55 03/04/2014 1895.4 578.75 951.95 1235.2 1290 398.6 3338.6 287.5 728.4 411.25 04/04/2014 1904.3 571.9 944.2 1230.4 1277.1 401.9 3315.5 285.8 725.8 405.1 07/04/2014 1922.3 587.25 944.05 1209.1 1283.25 406 3291.25 284.3 725.4 403.25 09/04/2014 1984.3 627.8 961.1 1259.6 1299.35 418.9 3253.1 297 742.1 421 10/04/2014 2026.9 616.2 968.8 1246.2 1314.7 416.8 3206.6 300.4 738.9 430.8 11/04/2014 1994.3 627.75 952.85 1235.5 1296.8 420.1 3235.85 299.1 737.9 423.25 15/04/2014 1963.5 616.3 948.5 1218.1 1297.75 408.4 3260.45 289.2 723.4 412.35 16/04/2014 1959.8 614.6 941.05 1222.3 1260.5 413.8 3156.4 286.3 725.3 411.2 17/04/2014 2017.8 624.3 958.75 1262 1270.8 418.8 3189.9 292.9 718.6 428.65 21/04/2014 2070.7 621.55 959.45 1281.6 1322.15 423.3 3181.25 300.5 716.6 431.95 22/04/2014 2049.4 619.35 968.35 1287.9 1344 421.1 3149.9 300 726.4 429.05 23/04/2014 2064.6 626.1 966.85 1299.1 1377.3 426.6 3172.75 303.5 734.3 425.45 25/04/2014 2083.2 622.8 947.4 1269.3 1350.8 426.3 3174.25 306.9 726.3 423.8 28/04/2014 2105.3 635.2 945.35 1273.9 1329.25 425.9 3178.15 306 725.3 416.5 29/04/2014 2065.3 639.35 940.3 1262.1 1321.5 405.5 3178.6 305.6 715.9 409.15 30/04/2014 2079 631.55 935.3 1244.8 1295.55 400.6 3177.2 303.8 718.3 414.45 02/05/2014 2045.8 630 928.3 1251.8 1263.15 390.8 3219.8 306.1 716.9 414.7 05/05/2014 2044.9 626.3 945.2 1254.2 1283.6 397.3 3176.15 310.6 716.9 414.25 06/05/2014 2051.8 625.25 963.25 1274.6 1299.55 400.9 3164.15 307.6 719.7 418.3 07/05/2014 2073.4 631.45 960.75 1272.5 1295.9 400 3064.45 308.2 716.1 416.5 08/05/2014 2091.5 624.7 959.65 1289.4 1300.4 402.3 3062.95 311.2 719.1 422.15 09/05/2014 2172.7 623.9 997.35 1374.9 1343.15 416.9 3105.4 326.3 757.2 427.5 12/05/2014 2243.8 613.1 1028.95 1399.3 1387.1 420.3 3177.9 329.3 792 445 13/05/2014 2276.3 610.2 1061.35 1402.7 1408.8 426.9 3265.5 330 787.2 440.8 14/05/2014 2282.8 611.3 1045.55 1409.7 1394.2 452.2 3246.9 327.7 775.3 442.4 15/05/2014 2279.1 621.8 1053.2 1393.1 1377.4 460.7 3270.4 332.7 788.1 439.3 16/05/2014 2414.3 613.2 1080.5 1464.8 1425.95 440.5 3177.85 351.4 804.7 449.8 19/05/2014 2570 583.6 1120.25 1471.1 1524.65 451.3 3022.75 371 811.8 444.35 20/05/2014 2526.1 587.3 1078.5 1449.4 1508.3 467 3119.05 371.2 815.7 439.75 21/05/2014 2460.1 577.15 1078.1 1439.4 1476.4 462.4 3150.65 363.1 809.9 437.1 22/05/2014 2511.8 580.1 1101.3 1451.4 1481.6 471.1 3107.2 368.2 802.6 430.4 23/05/2014 2755.3 584.7 1127.85 1460.8 1511.6 477.6 3066.5 373 789.5 431.4 26/05/2014 2699.8 591.9 1101 1452.6 1544.2 468.4 3093.85 374.8 798.3 443.3 27/05/2014 2632.2 592.25 1087.75 1447.5 1565.35 476.8 3133.9 369.7 804.9 436.45 28/05/2014 2610.1 583.9 1088.55 1456.2 1577.15 468.7 3172.2 372.2 823.4 428.85 29/05/2014 2600.1 587.6 1073.05 1437.9 1550.4 465.7 2924.3 373.1 810.6 423.8 30/05/2014 2541.9 607.4 1065.15 1418.4 1548.9 475 2941.5 367.2 794.1 415.45 02/06/2014 2644.2 599.25 1082.35 1462.4 1645.4 492.8 2993.5 380.5 820 421.1 03/06/2014 2643.3 601.15 1094.75 1458.3 1653.5 525.8 3015.4 379.9 824.6 420.45 Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices …. 10 | Page 04/06/2014 2682.3 597.75 1077.9 1469.2 1673.05 536.6 2993.7 384.9 816.6 421.7 05/06/2014 2696.8 597.85 1087.6 1461 1679.4 555.1 3037.95 389.4 804.9 434.8 06/06/2014 2732.2 599.35 1119.85 1481.8 1688.7 560.3 2999.8 394.8 815 438.55 09/06/2014 2703.4 601.25 1122.6 1486.6 1752.05 573.7 2985.7 393.2 820.1 448.4 10/06/2014 2664.8 608.75 1117.85 1481.3 1736.75 558.8 3067.2 387.1 817.5 452.3 11/06/2014 2690.7 613.5 1101.55 1468.2 1715.75 549.2 3178.75 388.3 820.5 445.6 12/06/2014 2693.8 630.7 1094.6 1459.9 1718.9 550 3166.6 380.9 839.9 449.65 13/06/2014 2606.4 627.9 1081.95 1429.6 1685.75 525.8 3181.65 363.8 835.6 437.8 16/06/2014 2579.3 643.55 1064.5 1415.7 1650.7 524.9 3242.2 354.5 839.1 430.9 17/06/2014 2654.4 647.9 1089.9 1449.1 1684.5 532.1 3247.25 367.9 846.5 440.65 18/06/2014 2638.2 635.05 1066.8 1420.4 1668.75 522.1 3244.55 369.4 834 433.85 19/06/2014 2606.1 641.95 1041.4 1411.5 1657.75 519.3 3312.4 368.6 825.7 438.45 20/06/2014 2580.6 631.15 1037.85 1398.8 1646.85 519.8 3315.6 373.5 823.5 436.85 23/06/2014 2601.4 633 1038.7 1413.3 1653.65 527 3231.05 376.7 821.4 435.55 24/06/2014 2659.5 627.6 1059.65 1438.6 1670.25 532.4 3210.3 384.9 828.8 442.15 25/06/2014 2691.8 632.65 1050.8 1419.9 1650.45 530.9 3212.8 382.8 824.1 443.4 26/06/2014 2655.5 635.4 1011.95 1403.3 1672.35 525.8 3189.4 385.3 812.7 437.95 27/06/2014 2636.8 660.65 1013.05 1384.8 1666.35 519.5 3221.95 382.1 815.4 432.25 30/06/2014 2685.9 686.25 1014.7 1418.5 1701.6 528.3 3246.45 384.3 821.4 431.15 01/07/2014 2680.8 679.4 1008 1437.7 1725.35 541.4 3221.75 384.1 823.1 450.95 02/07/2014 2701.1 693.95 1018.2 1452.3 1754.1 543.7 3218.5 385.4 839.3 455 03/07/2014 2692 706.35 1007.1 1451.7 1752.5 539.3 3210.75 385 837.2 468.8 04/07/2014 2699.1 708.55 1031.95 1462.5 1742.4 536.5 3239.15 386.9 856.4 468.45 07/07/2014 2682.5 719.85 1026.4 1451 1749.5 536.1 3343.75 384.5 840.1 478.75 08/07/2014 2576.8 724.8 995.15 1412.5 1673.45 513.3 3333.8 377.7 830.2 468.4 09/07/2014 2581.6 721.5 1000.05 1403.2 1652.75 517.3 3304.3 374.9 830.4 456.9 10/07/2014 2547.9 724.95 998.2 1390.9 1655.35 521.9 3292.9 372 825 452.85 11/07/2014 2421.6 741.45 967 1355.6 1574.45 501 3325.8 363.2 812.2 445.5 14/07/2014 2412.1 737.65 961.85 1344.3 1598.65 514 3227 369.3 816.5 456.25 15/07/2014 2516.2 738.7 972.2 1393.6 1633.45 526.3 3225.45 379.5 826.8 463.05 16/07/2014 2573.2 743.65 989.05 1459.1 1658.4 542.7 3229.4 393.1 835.6 470.35 17/07/2014 2597.7 741.3 982.35 1448.7 1668.35 558.9 3243.3 391 831.4 474.9 18/07/2014 2561.5 741.25 976.7 1477.2 1686 562 3253.2 399.2 832.5 475.2 21/07/2014 2523.2 743.9 997.35 1482.6 1670 562.1 3206.45 404.6 828.1 474.35 22/07/2014 2524 749.55 1030.8 1483.2 1654.6 562.1 3235.1 403.5 839.9 485.4 23/07/2014 2540.3 745.2 1033.05 1505.8 1654.85 555 3347 400.2 835.9 483.8 24/07/2014 2555.8 747.7 1040.75 1505.3 1662.9 567.1 3378.25 399.3 842.2 485.6 25/07/2014 2501.2 779.3 1021.75 1475.9 1656.35 557.2 3352.35 397.2 835.5 461.9 28/07/2014 2490.3 789.7 1005.3 1451.5 1644.75 547.6 3366.4 395.7 829.8 453.15 30/07/2014 2471 790.45 1005.5 1489.6 1524.4 544.9 3368.05 402 838.8 451.35 31/07/2014 2439.8 790.7 1006 1473 1504.1 553.4 3365.7 391.9 833.7 446.9 01/08/2014 2439.4 768.9 978.45 1476.4 1471.95 549.2 3340.35 387.5 815.3 439.5 04/08/2014 2460.9 761.35 985.2 1491.4 1493.6 551 3462.6 391 813.2 446.8 05/08/2014 2469.8 772.7 983.6 1485.5 1490.05 561.7 3504.25 392.7 820 456.65 06/08/2014 2426.7 761.15 987.75 1446.9 1484.8 550.2 3574.7 383.2 809.6 447.35 07/08/2014 2437.2 759.1 989.35 1445.2 1481.75 555.5 3514.55 381.2 811.8 442.15 08/08/2014 2415.3 759.3 980.4 1437.4 1442.75 537.6 3480.35 371.3 796.3 433 11/08/2014 2412.7 763.35 980.65 1440 1461.7 534.9 3573.25 376.9 793.6 447.4 12/08/2014 2429.4 783.9 984.5 1463.8 1487.85 541.9 3576.4 381.6 807.2 473.9 13/08/2014 2368.7 800.25 990 1452 1453.15 534.7 3599.1 373.8 812.4 472.65 14/08/2014 2361.8 814.05 1001.9 1477.6 1481.6 541.3 3603.75 377.7 825.8 484.6 18/08/2014 2420.3 814.8 1013.25 1529.9 1515.75 546.4 3558.45 393.9 832.3 503.9 19/08/2014 2439.8 809.5 1008.7 1543.1 1531.6 544.1 3551.1 397.7 824.1 518.75 20/08/2014 2413.1 847.1 998.2 1542.5 1517.55 545.5 3552.5 394.1 820.6 511.65 21/08/2014 2467.8 857.95 994.85 1544.3 1531.95 536.6 3542.95 398.7 831.7 512.6 22/08/2014 2523.6 856.8 998 1537.7 1536.55 537.6 3601.25 402.4 846.6 511.5 25/08/2014 2509.1 853.35 996.35 1514.4 1524.3 511.9 3621.5 397.5 843.4 508.3 26/08/2014 2493.2 864.85 994.05 1510.1 1504 525 3620.6 397.8 842.5 512.9 Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices …. 11 | Page 27/08/2014 2503 861.8 994.35 1541 1502.55 522.9 3632.75 398.7 836.6 521.6 28/08/2014 2460.5 854.55 999.25 1556.6 1526.9 513.6 3594 397.3 843 524.4 01/09/2014 2503.4 842.1 1014.15 1598.9 1577.55 523.9 3603.4 405.4 841.6 519.85 02/09/2014 2522.1 863.15 1023.9 1590.9 1576.75 519.2 3611.55 408.8 858.5 516.4 03/09/2014 2501.5 863.2 1030.95 1579.3 1598.15 525.8 3734.6 413.6 856.7 522.65 04/09/2014 2488 864.65 1024.1 1571.3 1589 509.3 3708.05 416.7 851.9 512.85 05/09/2014 2515.4 857.8 1025.2 1548.4 1609.25 513 3730.3 415.8 848.8 506.35 08/09/2014 2564.2 866.05 1037.45 1568.2 1625.7 517 3778.35 420.7 864 510.5 09/09/2014 2567.4 860.15 1033.3 1547.7 1607 518.5 3736.8 419.4 865.4 517.25 10/09/2014 2553 859.65 1016 1571.4 1586.6 520.3 3668.1 417.3 857.1 516.3 11/09/2014 2601.4 822.8 1018.75 1565.9 1596.45 517.7 3683.65 418.3 854.9 514.1 12/09/2014 2625.6 805.9 1015.7 1565 1578.85 517.1 3672.35 417 855.4 516.5 15/09/2014 2624.3 795.45 1002.85 1551.9 1560.4 507.6 3642.95 411.8 859.8 512.25 16/09/2014 2563.7 797.9 980.45 1526.3 1516.9 490.1 3656.55 398.9 850.2 499.6 17/09/2014 2562.1 792.3 988 1529.1 1520.65 498.8 3740.4 398.4 846.4 506.85 18/09/2014 2618.8 805.2 1004.5 1565.4 1574.9 506.8 3699.9 405.3 856.9 525.6 19/09/2014 2568.5 806.85 994.6 1570.5 1535.3 510.4 3701.45 407.6 860 519 22/09/2014 2602 797.35 991.1 1577.3 1533.8 500.9 3650.95 408.3 856.8 539.4 23/09/2014 2556 780.25 966.1 1538.5 1496.8 486.1 3612.8 399.4 848.7 517.8 24/09/2014 2487.4 780.35 964.9 1516.6 1465.45 473.3 3649.4 396.8 853.9 512.95 25/09/2014 2378.4 773.8 929.4 1466.9 1448.9 460 3693.65 378.4 851.3 503.55 26/09/2014 2442.9 807.1 933.6 1478.1 1476.15 474.2 3681.2 389.7 871.3 511.45 Table 3: Closing Prices of Companies (11-20) Date Bharti Airtel Cipla ONGC Hindalco ITC HDFC Coal India Maruti Suzuki Hero Motocorp M & M 01/04/2014 315.55 382.15 323.6 138.1 352.4 887.6 289.65 1931.15 2248.55 998.05 02/04/2014 326.1 389.8 329.95 136.1 344.3 897.25 287.2 1933.45 2250.15 1001.8 03/04/2014 321.85 396.25 326.1 137.05 346.4 903.55 280.85 1938.35 2250.65 1006.3 04/04/2014 316.25 404.1 325.6 137.65 345.1 895.1 282 1927.15 2250.1 997.35 07/04/2014 317.7 396.65 325.55 137.15 345.6 895 284.1 1903.95 2238.9 1009.9 09/04/2014 320.2 400 322.45 142.7 347.5 921.5 288.05 1933.25 2243.3 1020.1 10/04/2014 319.65 397.45 321.95 142.6 343.7 926.8 292.15 1959.2 2205.1 1020.7 11/04/2014 321.9 402.05 320.15 140.5 343.9 917.65 293.05 1933.75 2171.55 1002.9 15/04/2014 324.65 400.75 319.35 134.2 341 887.8 292.4 1922.3 2222.4 983.35 16/04/2014 323.3 396.8 316.9 135.35 345.9 870.65 289.7 1934.9 2168.1 975.35 17/04/2014 325.1 400.6 322.25 141.3 353.2 880.05 290.9 1946.3 2217.7 997.35 21/04/2014 334.85 399.6 323.15 143.35 353 877 296.25 1988.35 2246.2 1032.7 22/04/2014 335.3 397.35 326.2 144.7 350.7 874.55 298.9 1974.25 2266.2 1024.3 23/04/2014 339.1 399.65 325.85 144.7 353.4 878.15 302 1982.75 2249.95 1036.8 25/04/2014 341.05 394.25 321.35 143.45 343.6 892.35 300.05 1956.05 2203.8 1070.3 28/04/2014 337.9 406.65 321.3 141.25 342.1 884.95 295.75 1952.4 2165.05 1065.4 29/04/2014 335.15 401.15 320 137.2 340.4 887.35 296.75 1916.35 2145.2 1065 30/04/2014 327.65 398 325.8 134.7 340.8 897.55 291.7 1918 2193.85 1072.2 02/05/2014 325.7 401.5 329.1 132.25 340.2 908.05 295.5 1885.5 2194.45 1056.6 05/05/2014 320.75 392.9 335.45 138.6 344.3 887.2 296.65 1899.65 2211.15 1059.4 06/05/2014 315.25 390.95 336.95 138.45 348 877.25 296.45 1909.6 2180.95 1065.2 07/05/2014 310.95 382.85 335.5 135.4 346.6 853.1 295.4 1881.75 2164.3 1061.6 08/05/2014 307.9 389.15 333.95 136.45 341.9 849.25 294.15 1894.4 2132.05 1063.3 09/05/2014 310.05 392.55 347.75 143.75 345.5 883.8 309.05 1972.6 2215.6 1104.3 12/05/2014 317.75 387.6 358.4 143.5 358.9 892.6 330.8 2051.4 2304.55 1130.1 13/05/2014 319.9 390.7 372.05 142.3 361.1 906.5 331.65 2095.2 2428.85 1122.4 14/05/2014 323.45 395.1 368.6 141.2 365.7 888.3 342.9 2086.55 2431.75 1089.7 15/05/2014 321.55 398.05 378.05 138.4 367.9 902.4 340.7 2117.15 2441.25 1103.7 16/05/2014 332.25 388.2 384.95 141.1 357.6 885.45 345.65 2154.45 2397.8 1110.6 19/05/2014 338.3 385.7 416.4 152.05 338.1 915.55 389.65 2214.25 2444.4 1098.7 20/05/2014 347.75 390.05 399.9 155.65 341.3 940.75 366.7 2193.5 2369.3 1135.4 Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices …. 12 | Page 21/05/2014 340.7 389.75 398.05 159.6 342.1 940.65 372.15 2168.25 2343.65 1149.6 22/05/2014 332.4 387.4 393.05 155.15 344.8 919.65 389.95 2264.45 2306.95 1134.1 23/05/2014 342.4 386.95 407.5 152 342.2 931.55 397.55 2384.85 2347.8 1158.1 26/05/2014 338.2 382.8 405.25 147.15 344.9 926.5 400.75 2340.35 2303.25 1230.3 27/05/2014 335.7 378.2 395.65 149.55 344.4 910.95 393.05 2305.85 2302.4 1194.7 28/05/2014 341.75 379.8 384.85 147.15 343.1 902.75 380.35 2311.45 2350.3 1162.4 29/05/2014 338.1 372.95 374.65 149.25 342.6 893.85 373.6 2306.1 2344.05 1178.4 30/05/2014 344 384.15 378.25 147.7 341.5 876.6 371.15 2269.5 2343.75 1230.5 02/06/2014 361.3 386.05 399.25 150.15 337.4 897.55 373.35 2326.85 2385.1 1240.5 03/06/2014 359.15 388 416.8 155.15 333.5 912.75 393.1 2342.85 2455.75 1230.9 04/06/2014 353.45 390.4 411.4 160.55 331 902.35 390.2 2373.2 2543.35 1217.1 05/06/2014 355.95 387 419.65 169.45 333.4 908.2 391.1 2379.9 2587.5 1199.4 06/06/2014 355.8 395.55 464 168.9 337 935.1 391 2393.3 2682.65 1229.7 09/06/2014 356.45 396.4 453.3 169.05 338.7 945.45 412.9 2434.8 2725.9 1223.9 10/06/2014 361.15 407.35 440.9 169.7 337.4 953.1 420.25 2465.8 2662.6 1230.1 11/06/2014 354.2 411.55 427.05 162.6 333.3 953.65 404.1 2446.6 2705.4 1224.5 12/06/2014 341.55 415.1 428.65 168.75 335.1 978.6 394.75 2479.15 2708.55 1227.5 13/06/2014 333 414.1 422.45 162.1 333.7 977.35 389.1 2404 2588.85 1229.5 16/06/2014 333.25 413.6 427.15 161.05 336 962.85 389.4 2376.9 2610.75 1200.7 17/06/2014 339.25 412.85 444.55 162.7 336.3 966.3 400.65 2417.9 2589.2 1180.8 18/06/2014 339.65 425.15 443.2 167.15 333.1 958.1 394.05 2439.1 2543.2 1159.4 19/06/2014 337.5 425 420.45 167.3 336.3 966.8 386.4 2378.5 2537.85 1175.7 20/06/2014 338.3 424.5 417.7 163.65 335.9 966.75 386.45 2371.1 2520 1141.9 23/06/2014 340.9 423.75 437.05 165.25 314.1 966.75 387.9 2379.65 2580.1 1158.5 24/06/2014 340.95 426.35 443.15 166.8 320.4 993.95 391.6 2415.65 2613.65 1167.2 25/06/2014 336.35 426.3 436.85 166.6 316.1 995.05 397.7 2477.4 2640.05 1170.4 26/06/2014 338.65 426.25 411.1 165.3 316.3 976.95 388.6 2487.65 2644.45 1173.7 27/06/2014 331.6 437.3 411.05 160.95 319.9 976.15 382.15 2449.85 2623.45 1153.9 30/06/2014 336.9 437.95 423.7 164.1 324.9 990.65 385.3 2438.35 2627.2 1147.9 01/07/2014 335.4 436.3 422.15 175.2 325.2 981.65 384.85 2584.85 2640.8 1194.2 02/07/2014 338.5 443.5 426.7 178.15 329 1008.3 393.5 2642.95 2674.2 1218.8 03/07/2014 337.35 446.5 418.2 173.75 331.3 1005.4 396.3 2629.85 2589.4 1236 04/07/2014 338.5 447.9 421.9 173.05 333.3 1009.4 394.05 2642.8 2582.7 1229.1 07/07/2014 344.6 449.3 415.15 174.05 334.6 1017.5 396.5 2640.25 2614.25 1239.1 08/07/2014 339.65 442.2 397.6 168.85 335.8 1022.4 376.85 2590 2574.4 1212.8 09/07/2014 340.05 436.05 404.65 170.9 341.4 1014 365.65 2519.95 2536.7 1181.9 10/07/2014 334.65 435 404.05 176.3 342.5 1023.2 371.15 2533.05 2435.55 1164.9 11/07/2014 335.4 435.75 395.95 166.45 346.1 990.75 362.45 2505.2 2434.75 1163.4 14/07/2014 332.05 432.65 402.3 173.35 345.1 983.75 359.25 2510.85 2452.25 1166.8 15/07/2014 334.1 432.95 412.5 174.35 342.4 977.4 364.45 2520.85 2409.15 1197.1 16/07/2014 336.25 431.8 416.1 181.65 343.8 975.9 365.25 2577.3 2433.9 1220.1 17/07/2014 336.5 437.15 413.55 188.75 344.3 973.45 375.7 2560.75 2444.35 1181.4 18/07/2014 336.2 440.95 410.4 184.55 344.2 981.05 375.35 2524 2508.5 1180.1 21/07/2014 337.05 437.5 406.55 183.45 349.1 1011.1 378.5 2538.3 2515.65 1184.4 22/07/2014 353.25 440.7 408.8 188.25 351.9 1040.7 386.95 2512.8 2521.05 1178.4 23/07/2014 354.25 442 405.1 193.1 352.4 1035.8 384.05 2489.1 2553.05 1193 24/07/2014 354.5 439.3 404.9 197.55 356.3 1035.5 385.05 2499.65 2536.3 1200.7 25/07/2014 354.65 444.7 400.9 191.8 357.1 1064.4 376.2 2506.6 2574.95 1206.5 28/07/2014 354.35 439.75 395.25 187.85 356.7 1066.5 364.4 2504.4 2533.2 1200.8 30/07/2014 373 447.7 398.75 192.6 358.7 1084.7 367.15 2551.9 2601.35 1219.1 31/07/2014 372.6 456.3 395.35 191.6 356.2 1067.4 368.95 2524.5 2596.05 1203.9 01/08/2014 379.55 442.5 386.25 184.5 349.8 1039.5 359.45 2587 2598.9 1171.7 04/08/2014 376.85 440.95 392.5 190.25 354.3 1031 359.85 2649.1 2606.65 1184.6 05/08/2014 374.5 440.55 405 195.35 355.8 1044.9 361.05 2667.05 2584.2 1230 06/08/2014 367.45 435.05 396.9 191.65 346.4 1035.8 360.05 2641.95 2596.55 1236.8 07/08/2014 366.05 435.1 400.4 189.25 346 1029 362.6 2651.95 2602.5 1246.8 08/08/2014 373.7 436.5 394.15 184.05 348.5 1026.3 354.9 2618.45 2590.15 1229.1 11/08/2014 376.2 436.85 392.9 185.5 347.5 1058.7 357.7 2664.8 2606.15 1308.4 Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices …. 13 | Page 12/08/2014 369.9 444.9 405.5 185.65 347 1115.8 364.35 2666.4 2598.4 1309.6 13/08/2014 368.3 439.3 401.8 180 356.5 1141 352.75 2652.55 2580.45 1315.3 14/08/2014 365.55 448 409.95 178.5 356.8 1124.5 356.6 2668.25 2510.95 1321.4 18/08/2014 376.35 469.75 431.8 182.3 350.8 1112.8 363.7 2707.3 2509.35 1326 19/08/2014 376.9 473.95 435.2 180.85 348.9 1085.2 368.95 2751.2 2540.65 1374.6 20/08/2014 374.05 491.9 423.8 180.3 345 1072.3 366.65 2742.4 2545.85 1358 21/08/2014 371.1 492.9 426 177.85 345.8 1065 364.75 2750.05 2557.55 1376.2 22/08/2014 365.2 498.1 426.85 182.05 343.7 1044.7 357.3 2755.15 2531 1388.2 25/08/2014 369.1 505.95 428.75 164.65 349.4 1055.9 358.55 2802.4 2578.65 1406.4 26/08/2014 368 511.45 418.1 170.65 351.9 1061.9 356.65 2775.5 2563.75 1400 27/08/2014 369 513.15 427.75 172 352.4 1068.9 358.1 2769.55 2604.9 1396.3 28/08/2014 369.7 514.3 435.15 170.1 355.2 1073.9 356.4 2784.35 2608.15 1406.9 01/09/2014 375.95 529.7 439.55 176.2 350.3 1061.1 365.35 2915.5 2759.25 1403.8 02/09/2014 391.9 557.4 444.6 174.45 354.8 1067.3 363.65 2912.8 2801.65 1396.3 03/09/2014 403.15 552.9 438 175.15 349 1061.7 376 2909.9 2775.3 1412.8 04/09/2014 405.35 551.8 437.6 169.2 350.6 1080.2 378.05 2901.35 2825.95 1411.8 05/09/2014 400.55 557.3 442.5 167.75 350.3 1055.7 371.25 2884.35 2764.95 1408.2 08/09/2014 403.2 563.4 454.8 173.6 353.6 1053.8 374.5 2916.65 2781.9 1397.6 09/09/2014 406.05 575.2 448.85 172.4 357.7 1051.4 380.7 2910.95 2749.25 1404.6 10/09/2014 407.8 577.6 445.3 172.6 351.1 1035.4 373.85 2910.3 2682.15 1384.5 11/09/2014 405.65 575.8 429.35 172.55 351 1038.4 360.65 2916.65 2720.8 1375.4 12/09/2014 413.15 612.55 429.15 168.6 355.9 1049.8 357.95 2971.15 2756.9 1389 15/09/2014 411.45 629.7 421.3 163.4 351.7 1033.2 352 2962.55 2800.95 1370.1 16/09/2014 412.6 619.65 408.75 160.3 353.2 1018.7 344.2 2950.8 2791.3 1373.7 17/09/2014 414.05 609.75 408.2 160.55 354.8 1017.7 339.85 2972.1 2839.95 1382.5 18/09/2014 415.8 620.25 414.35 163.05 358.6 1053.9 344.9 3045.75 2998.15 1391.8 19/09/2014 414.85 627.8 405 164.3 359.5 1065.3 345.85 3084.95 2951.05 1375.3 22/09/2014 415.1 613.55 419.1 162.05 370.7 1075.7 343.1 3063.15 2999.8 1371.5 23/09/2014 406.55 585 407.45 157.05 370.9 1066.2 334.55 3065.2 2985.45 1347.9 24/09/2014 403.85 600.35 413.55 156.3 376.8 1055.5 351.35 3072.95 2949.55 1358.9 25/09/2014 406.8 608.35 399.65 149.55 376.4 1057.9 346.55 3059.45 2934.3 1351 26/09/2014 405.05 611.5 412.2 157.4 371.8 1037.8 348 3035.25 2896.2 1393.7 Table 4: Closing Prices of Companies (21-30) DATE TCS BHEL SesaSterlite Bajaj Auto DrReddys Lab Wipro NTPC HUL Tata Power GAIL 01/04/2014 2172.5 194.2 191.85 2064.5 2602.6 560.5 121.9 601.6 84.1 374.8 02/04/2014 2171.7 193.8 189.15 2049.4 2623.8 565.2 122.6 595.7 84.9 376.4 03/04/2014 2166.7 187.6 190.3 2053.6 2663.15 560.5 123 606.9 84.3 368.1 04/04/2014 2139.6 184 189.95 2033.1 2645.9 553.25 120.6 604.3 83.35 362.6 07/04/2014 2150.4 177.9 194.4 2023.7 2602.4 556.4 119.6 604.5 82.95 364.6 09/04/2014 2134.9 181.7 197.6 2032.6 2620.45 553.65 120.7 608.3 83.8 373.2 10/04/2014 2126.6 186.6 198.3 2020.3 2549.1 560.45 123.8 617.5 87.25 378.1 11/04/2014 2163.7 185.1 195.9 2004.4 2570.2 567.95 124.6 608.9 86.25 372.1 15/04/2014 2251.6 181.4 189.75 2005.9 2577.45 589 125.5 612.3 84.6 367.6 16/04/2014 2195 175.6 189.95 2000.4 2539.35 571.9 122.6 607.6 81.55 367.7 17/04/2014 2217.5 181.1 192.6 2013.4 2556 585.55 123.1 609.5 83.7 374.3 21/04/2014 2220.5 186.6 201.8 2013.1 2552.85 546.6 124.6 599.2 83.45 373.4 22/04/2014 2220.3 186.7 193.7 2005.5 2552.7 531.3 124 596.3 83.8 378.6 23/04/2014 2215 189.3 192.6 2004.8 2565.45 525 122.2 596.1 83.75 384.2 25/04/2014 2202.3 190.8 193.2 1996.6 2625.95 519.75 118.8 580.7 82.9 379.4 28/04/2014 2191.3 186.8 193.05 1985.4 2672.35 529.05 118.1 580.6 83.1 371.3 29/04/2014 2193.5 186.7 190.4 1941.8 2666.55 524.9 117.7 563.2 80.9 368 30/04/2014 2189.4 180.8 185.1 1913.5 2705.3 522 116.3 566.9 78.05 369.4 02/05/2014 2208.9 180.4 180.5 1904.7 2737.45 527.6 114.6 562.4 79.95 370.1 05/05/2014 2213.9 178.6 180.65 1918.6 2729.9 520.8 114 557 78.7 372.7 06/05/2014 2199 178.8 180.2 1902.3 2744.75 514.6 114 553.6 77.7 370.4 Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices …. 14 | Page 07/05/2014 2166.4 178.5 178.75 1871.8 2737.35 505.5 115.5 554.4 76.9 363.7 08/05/2014 2165.4 184.3 180 1878.8 2738.7 510.75 115.6 553 76.3 365.9 09/05/2014 2161.2 193.9 183.3 1920.7 2715.65 512.3 118.4 557.2 80.55 370.7 12/05/2014 2159.7 198.5 189.5 1947.9 2719.15 511.6 121.3 570.1 81.6 383.1 13/05/2014 2210.7 218.8 192.95 1979.2 2610.7 528.8 122.9 577.8 84.55 392.7 14/05/2014 2214.8 216.5 197.15 2040.6 2519 524.2 125.6 576.4 84.75 395.4 15/05/2014 2193.5 218 193.45 1953.2 2482.1 516.35 129.3 588.4 87.35 404 16/05/2014 2157.6 229.4 214.95 1934.3 2408.95 502.85 131.9 580.7 90.6 409.4 19/05/2014 2034.7 268.3 227.55 1884.4 2283.15 481.5 145.5 557.1 97.8 430.4 20/05/2014 2063.1 277.9 245.65 1871.4 2326.2 494.05 142.7 563.2 97.5 421.5 21/05/2014 2080 271.3 249.35 1959.2 2302.05 492.05 145.9 562.3 96.3 413.9 22/05/2014 2109.3 263.8 259.1 1985.6 2297.75 483.5 153.6 562.5 99.45 426.3 23/05/2014 2127.4 272.5 267.85 1983.7 2307.4 489 160.4 561.3 105.75 425.6 26/05/2014 2153.7 259.4 279.2 1960.1 2301.15 504.55 156.4 560.7 101.4 410.1 27/05/2014 2130.5 245.7 276.65 1972.9 2311.4 506.8 154.4 560.5 98.65 379.1 28/05/2014 2149.9 249 276.15 1949.8 2346.65 513.7 151.5 561.7 102.3 371.7 29/05/2014 2159.1 243.5 275.15 1942.6 2377.7 500.2 152.3 557.1 101.2 371.7 30/05/2014 2144.2 242.2 279.5 1953.2 2448.1 505 159.9 601 103.85 377.2 02/06/2014 2129.9 248.7 279.65 1975.9 2414 499.1 159.2 601.1 105.95 389.5 03/06/2014 2130.3 257.3 297.9 1969 2338 494.35 164.2 592 105.7 381.4 04/06/2014 2089.4 257.9 295.25 1999.8 2325.2 491.7 164.9 605.4 105.85 380.4 05/06/2014 2105.6 260.4 314.45 1999.7 2308.05 500.95 164.3 631.2 109.7 391 06/06/2014 2084.1 262.7 306.5 2045.9 2349.25 507.65 165.4 638.4 110.8 420.4 09/06/2014 2115.3 263.2 307.55 2156.5 2351.55 510.85 165.6 632.1 113.7 430.6 10/06/2014 2157.1 255.6 300.5 2150.8 2392 524.8 163.5 638.8 112.5 428.7 11/06/2014 2205.3 247.1 294.5 2175.3 2431.95 526.95 158.3 625.4 106.9 429.8 12/06/2014 2232.1 244.2 292.3 2182.7 2434 530.65 160.4 629.6 106.9 432.3 13/06/2014 2214.7 237.7 289.5 2167.4 2446.3 529 153.5 634.1 103.6 416.8 16/06/2014 2268.6 241.1 290.05 2172.6 2423.1 535.4 152.9 633.3 105.35 433.3 17/06/2014 2278.2 248 298.05 2162.4 2408.4 536 154.8 630 106.5 444.3 18/06/2014 2225.5 241.4 297.6 2149.9 2422.75 530.6 151.4 619.2 105.05 451.2 19/06/2014 2275.1 240.8 295 2160.9 2448.15 537.25 152.5 625.7 104.2 442.8 20/06/2014 2286.5 239 291.8 2174.7 2439.35 536.35 151.7 623.7 101.35 439.4 23/06/2014 2264.8 244.4 297.05 2194 2446.1 531.35 152.6 617.3 101.6 439.6 24/06/2014 2304.3 250.4 298.5 2220.7 2460.85 531.3 155 617.2 103.7 459.7 25/06/2014 2309.9 249.9 296.2 2279 2479.35 528.4 156.8 624.5 104.7 467.4 26/06/2014 2309.4 251.4 294.5 2285.1 2504.8 535.65 152.5 617.3 103.45 459.8 27/06/2014 2398.4 244.9 289.25 2308.6 2553.15 545.85 152.6 617 103.8 456.1 30/06/2014 2419.5 250.1 292.1 2313.2 2615.15 544.95 155.9 619.5 107.75 462.4 01/07/2014 2390.4 252.6 296.25 2329.8 2609.85 538.65 154.8 628.3 108.1 459.7 02/07/2014 2397.1 259.5 309.4 2351.5 2652.95 541.65 159.5 630.5 108.95 458.4 03/07/2014 2417.8 261 310.55 2295.4 2637.3 555.6 157.6 623.7 106.9 458.7 04/07/2014 2409.8 262.9 305.15 2298.7 2678.55 547.5 158.7 624.4 107.2 464 07/07/2014 2483.5 264.8 307.35 2300.1 2730.85 557.7 161.4 626.2 111.05 459.9 08/07/2014 2449.7 243.2 296.25 2238.7 2684.95 550.65 152.8 626.1 105.45 452.9 09/07/2014 2397.3 243.4 294.75 2169 2661.55 543.1 150.5 628 102.85 458.6 10/07/2014 2347.9 243.1 294 2151.6 2651.9 544.8 151.2 631.9 105.65 465.7 11/07/2014 2398 223.4 293.65 2136.1 2704.95 552.55 149.7 640.9 101.85 454.5 14/07/2014 2424.7 226.4 289.9 2127.3 2693.55 540.45 147.8 624 104.7 454.3 15/07/2014 2400.2 234.5 288.1 2158.7 2640.7 537.25 145.6 618.9 104.45 461.6 16/07/2014 2401.4 240.4 296.65 2140.3 2648.35 535.45 146.6 622.5 104.85 457.1 17/07/2014 2381.1 243.1 302.1 2091.7 2646.5 537.85 150.5 625.5 108.55 453 18/07/2014 2442.7 238 298.4 2081.4 2644.4 547.7 149.8 622 105.75 445.3 21/07/2014 2464.3 235.1 294.8 2071.9 2656.25 545.1 148.4 627.3 103.9 438.6 22/07/2014 2531.1 234.3 296.9 2073.4 2719.25 558.9 149.8 632.6 104.35 441.5 23/07/2014 2586.9 234.4 295.4 2104.2 2733.95 569.35 149.9 632.5 103.05 438.4 24/07/2014 2594.6 236.4 298.15 2106.6 2710.55 576.8 149.6 642.3 103.45 429.5 25/07/2014 2605 226.9 292.25 2103.1 2745.85 550.35 149 662 100.85 427.9 Impact of Law of Demand & Supply on Stock Market: A Study of Most Active BSE Indices …. 15 | Page 28/07/2014 2588.7 229.5 290.3 2083.4 2766.7 555.1 149.1 686.5 101.15 424.7 30/07/2014 2593.5 231 291.6 2081 2822.25 550.4 149.5 692.7 99.6 433.2 31/07/2014 2577.3 228.4 290.35 2078.2 2807.4 543.65 145 685.5 97.95 436.4 01/08/2014 2516.5 224.3 282.75 2057.8 2756.4 535.85 140.8 693.9 94.95 423 04/08/2014 2527 228.9 289.65 2093.2 2766.35 548.8 141.5 698.8 96.15 424 05/08/2014 2522.6 228.1 294.8 2155.1 2777.65 549.6 140.9 704.1 96.65 424.6 06/08/2014 2509.4 229.6 288.15 2142 2750.6 551.3 140.7 706.6 95.75 421.7 07/08/2014 2470.2 230.2 284.75 2140 2755.95 552.75 141 702.1 95.05 418.9 08/08/2014 2476 221.6 268.5 2121.4 2780.55 547.8 138 702 91.45 407.9 11/08/2014 2468.8 222 275.8 2129.2 2719.65 543.6 135.8 696.2 90.75 390.2 12/08/2014 2473.7 223.7 277.9 2139.4 2732.25 543.6 139.5 701 91 413.7 13/08/2014 2494.9 209 280.45 2142.5 2736.7 548.95 140 718.4 88.6 410.5 14/08/2014 2496.6 212.6 288.3 2135 2752.35 545.7 142.1 714.1 90.7 425.9 18/08/2014 2486.5 221.1 292.35 2142.7 2773.25 547.65 142.4 724.6 92 430.6 19/08/2014 2438.4 227.3 296.8 2195.3 2824.45 546.35 143.8 719.1 92.75 431.8 20/08/2014 2436.5 230.6 294.75 2198.1 2888 551.3 145.4 711.9 94.35 428.7 21/08/2014 2432 229.4 289.65 2267.3 2838.5 550.45 142.7 710.2 93.3 431.5 22/08/2014 2461.7 227.6 291.6 2263 2826.25 556.9 142.3 704.4 93.55 432.5 25/08/2014 2521.2 231.4 280.25 2254.2 2884 555.45 141.9 717.1 90.35 427.4 26/08/2014 2533.5 232.2 281.25 2257.4 2890.5 551.1 141 727.2 87.85 433.8 27/08/2014 2545.4 229.2 276.55 2279.6 2923.15 557.65 139.4 734.6 88.65 435.3 28/08/2014 2524.6 240.8 277.15 2259.8 2951.1 565.4 137.7 741.3 86.9 443.8 01/09/2014 2537.3 238.6 282.9 2262.9 2981.15 565.75 139.9 740.2 90.05 458.7 02/09/2014 2539.1 239.9 277.6 2258.2 2995.6 560.6 140.1 733.9 89.1 464.3 03/09/2014 2601.3 237.6 279.85 2229.2 2994.9 577.4 139.7 733.6 90.05 455.3 04/09/2014 2584.2 227 278.3 2301.7 3000.2 576.6 142.4 736.4 89.3 448.9 05/09/2014 2597 223.6 281.05 2335.2 2976.55 581.95 142.8 733.9 88.25 451.6 08/09/2014 2636.1 223.9 283.8 2361.3 3002.35 591.6 140.5 746 87.95 453.9 09/09/2014 2630.3 221.5 281.7 2325.2 3002.8 587.45 140.5 749.4 88.5 458.1 10/09/2014 2603.3 219.2 286.25 2351.4 2999.65 582.6 139.5 748.6 89.9 456.1 11/09/2014 2596.1 222.5 286.6 2341.8 2970.75 574.35 140.1 755.5 90.9 459.3 12/09/2014 2605.9 220.6 290.5 2346.1 2961.05 574.75 138 757 89.4 462.6 15/09/2014 2558.8 219.9 286.15 2330.6 2976.7 567.8 136.1 754.8 88.9 458.4 16/09/2014 2554.9 216 285.5 2300.8 3009.1 559.45 132.5 758 83.7 448.6 17/09/2014 2588.5 220.7 284.4 2315.2 3084.85 567.35 133.7 754.9 85.55 445.9 18/09/2014 2636.7 228.5 284.9 2395.5 3187.75 580.95 136.9 750.5 88 451.8 19/09/2014 2708.1 226.9 283.6 2410.4 3218.4 586.65 138 737.6 87.95 449.8 22/09/2014 2720.6 222.1 282.9 2412.8 3212.2 582.55 136.6 742.1 87.05 454.2 23/09/2014 2688.9 216.5 280.85 2393.4 3208.3 582.25 136.8 742.9 84.95 443.6 24/09/2014 2643.5 212 281.1 2362.5 3232.5 591.35 138.1 764.2 85.25 443 25/09/2014 2707.7 203.3 273.65 2349.3 3313.85 583.2 136.4 759.5 83.5 450.4 26/09/2014 2682.9 205.3 275 2337 3227.25 586.05 139.4 752.2 84.3 443.6

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